Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blowing snow

Warnings everywhere south of here. Well south. The other side of the province, so to speak. I wouldn't say it's the downside, though there is a downside to all that openness. Roads closed, travel not advised, the whole bit. Here it's sunny as can be. A wee breeze, but nothing that would freeze your ears off. Here the snow stays put. I could go on about the differences between here and there, as I've done many times, sometimes whining, sometimes bragging, drawing nods of understanding and all that, but really I could do the same about any here and any there, even the here that is my desk and the there of the sun room just a short walk away, and the nods would still come. There is a downside to those nods. An upside, too. Then an absence. That's the trouble. It's kind of like the roads down there on a day like this. Zero visibility. You can't see, can't stop, know damn well you shouldn't be out there, but there you are.


the regina mom said...

Funny, though, how in that zero visibility, there is vision.

Gerald Hill said...

I'm sitting on my downside, sipping a Newcastle Brown. Here's to there!

Brenda Schmidt said...

Ha! Cheers!