Sunday, May 6, 2012

The wind is switching

Becoming north 20 late this evening. So says Environment Canada. The yard will be thick with Harris's and White-crowned Sparrows tomorrow. Just watch. I could already feel the change happening this morning. After the helicopter flew by, I flew out of bed and headed straight to the corner of my office where the final draft of my book was pinned and I pulled the whole thing down. Every last page. Those tacks felt good. Transparent push pins. After pulling the thirtieth pin I noticed there's only one good way to hold them. I'd been doing it all along. One hard, clear end after another.


Bernadette said...

I just hafta say I'm so happy things are hopping selectively again! Thanks for the reads.

Brenda Schmidt said...

Thanks, Bernadette! I'm so happy to be hopping again. Having great fun as I never know what I'll find behind the Select Gerry door!