There's one pair for inside snow boots, one pair to replace that pair when they've gone the distance, one pair to throw in the corner because they were the wrong pair to begin with, and the car pair, which have especially loose elastic. And it never hurts to have a spare. They're all on top of the dresser for now. When I pack I'll know at least I got the socks right. Leave the duds and the oddballs in the drawer. That will be my New Year's resolution.
They look like little buntings themselves, huddled there up against the wall.
They look more like pigeons to me.
They're way too cute for pigeons (but they might stink as bad--just kidding).
I'd be happy to package up a pair after I'm done wearing them and send them off to you so you can compare!
I'd say yes if it didn't mean heartbreak: you wear your socks about six months at a time, don't you? I can't wait that long.
Oh c'mon, six months passes like an afternoon.
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