Thursday, November 5, 2009

Should we

There was much debate before the City closed 25th avenue at Bell street.  "All the traffic will come screaming down Bell," said people to the south.  "Much safer for our children," said people to the north.  "As far as we're concerned," said the City after a while, "25th street at Bell is now closed.  It no longer exists."

Now people cut through--students heading to/from U of R, dog-walkers, shoppers heading to/from the Safeway a block west, kids with spray paint cans alive in the easements that lead to this space.  I've harvested rhubarb that grows outside the fences in three or four locations here.  All kinds of plants grow beyond all kinds of fences.

Every decade or so, I'm guessing, someone builds a new stretch of fence along the former-25th.  "I suppose it's time," they say.  "Should we keep the sign?"

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